


Welcome! Thank you for visiting the Blog of Sarah's Stylish Sweets. I am Sarah, owner & baker at SSS and I specialize in designing creative and stylish cakes and cupcakes! I have been designing since 2006 and am an art student graduate. I love my cuppies & cakes and am constantly inventing my own unique combinations! Please take a look around to view my most recent stylish creations :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Launch of New Website & SWEET NEW Beginnings Here is Fredericksburg, VA

VISIT www.sarahsstylishsweets.com for my BRAND NEW PORTFOLIO WEBSITE!!!!! It's a SWEET BEGINNING!!!! I am so excited to share with all my fans! xo

Hello y'all!  So, after a crazy summer of moving and relocating my life to historic Fredericksburg, VA, SSS is finally up and running again! I have joined a WONDERFUL GROUP here, FXBG & Stafford Wedding and Event Pros that has been SUPER supportive and I hope to be creating the networking relationships I had in Cleveland, OH.

Look for MORE updates in the days and weeks to come! Website done (check), next re-building of the blog!!!!! Feedback forms will be added and customer testimonials within the next few days! Photos of events I will be attending, fun recipes, pictures of my "sweet" little life!

Have a sweet day, ~Sarah

Here's what I've been up too :-)

I visited DC Cupcakes!!! (Georgetown Cupcakes) & Sprinkles IN ONE NIGHT!

I've experienced the "metro"... oh my...

Waiting In Line for our Georgetown Cupcakes! Thank you Mandie! (BTW, it was FREEZING)

Mint Chocolate Chip - YUM, worth the wait & numbing weather conditions! Had so much fun with Brian, Mandie & Hai.
Historic Downtown Fredericksburg!

Welcome Home!

My official taste tester... Mae :-) 
February FXBG & Stafford Wedding and Event Pro Networking Event. SSS was the featured cuppies! Every LAST one was GONE! So thankful to have my husband's support. xo